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What Sets Sculptra® Apart From Other Fillers?


Article At A Glance:

  • Sculptra is a one-of-a-kind dermal filler for aging facial skin that lacks shape and volume.
  • Sculptra is a cosmetic injectable dermal filler with a difference that increases your cheek volume and smooths the skin for a more youthful appearance.
  • Sculptra treatment uses poly-L-lactic acid, encouraging the body to produce collagen naturally. It targets fine lines and wrinkles safely with few side effects.

When most people age, their skin often has a saggy or flat appearance, especially on the face. The loss of skin elasticity around the eyes, lips, cheeks, and nasolabial folds can make you look older than you are, which easily affects your self-esteem if you prize that youthful appearance.

Thankfully, non-surgical dermal fillers and cosmetic treatments like Sculptra® can drastically improve and rejuvenate the skin. Still, if you’re not well-versed in another type of dermal filler product, you might wonder what sets Sculptra apart from other injectables. Dermal fillers and Sculptra can improve your facial skin’s appearance, so what’s the difference?

Everyone wants to dial back time to make the face tighter and smoother with fewer lines, wrinkles, and sagging areas. Continue reading to see why Sculptra could be a better option than some of the other dermal fillers out there.


Reasons Sculptra Leads the Pack in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatment Options


#1 Collagen Production

One of the main aspects of Sculptra injectables is how they work. Unlike many other non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures, Sculptra doesn’t use a synthetic material to add volume to your loose, saggy, or wrinkly skin. Instead, the poly-L-lactic acid stimulates collagen production to help the body naturally improve the skin around the injection sites.

Collagen production is foundational for this treatment, and this protein gives your skin both firmness and elasticity. Unfortunately, the body naturally slows down its collagen production as you age, which shows on the surface. With Sculptra treatments, you can kickstart your body’s production of more collagen for months after treatment, which most other dermal fillers won’t do. 

#2 FDA Approval

When you schedule a sculptra treatment, you can be confident you are undergoing a non-surgical treatment with approval from the United States Federal Food and Drug Administration. The FDA has strict guidelines for dermal fillers and other injectables. So far, Sculptra has been the only one to receive the administration’s approval due to its effectiveness during clinical testing and safety. 

#3 Natural Results

Sculptra’s signature collagen production happens beneath the skin. That’s why you can expect a natural-looking facial rejuvenation after this procedure.

Most other dermal fillers will contain hyaluronic acid gels. These gels quickly volumize areas around your face but don’t produce any extra collagen. If you go this route, the results might not look as natural as you’d like unless you have a skilled professional do the aesthetic treatment.

#4 Lasting Results

Not only will you get natural results for your facial rejuvenation using Sculptra, but you’ll also enjoy longer-lasting results. Dermal fillers containing a hyaluronic acid gel last up to 12 months unless you dissolve the material before your body naturally absorbs it. Sculptra’s collagen-boosting properties last months, and the cosmetic treatment sessions produce results for up to two years. 

Additionally, you can’t dissolve Sculptra. Rather, it stimulates collagen production over time during a series of treatment sessions.

#5 Number of Cosmetic Treatments

Depending on the condition of your facial skin, the medical professional administering your injectable treatment will recommend the number of sessions you need to meet your aesthetic goals. Three to four treatments every three weeks is typically enough to produce stunning results. 

#6 Convenient Appointments With Lasting Results

Mainstream dermal fillers don’t have long appointments. However, Botox, Juvederm, and Restylane will require treatments every three to six months. With Sculptra, you can enjoy beautiful, youthful skin with three to four convenient appointments every two years.

During your first Sculptra treatment, the medical professional administering the injectable will discuss your beauty goals and determine the areas within your face that could benefit from the treatment. Ideal candidates for Sculptra are those with healthy immune systems concerned about the appearance of their cheek, jowl, temple, or nasolabial fold.

  • When you begin treatment, you’ll get a topical anesthetic on the injection sites. 
  • Next, the medical professional will use a Sculptra syringe to insert the material into the treatment areas. 
  • Lastly, they’ll gently massage the product to ensure even distribution under the skin.

Sculptra sessions usually take 30 to 45 minutes, with at least two treatments to attain the best skin-firming results. However, even if you decide to stop your treatments early, your skin should maintain some of its natural youthfulness due to the boost in collagen production.


Tips To Practice Before and After Sculptra Treatment


To achieve the best results with your Sculptra treatment, it helps to prepare yourself before the appointment. For example, typical pre-treatment instructions include abstaining from alcohol and certain supplements for a day or two. If you have a health condition requiring blood-thinning medication, you may also have to avoid it for at least a day.

After your session, you can follow these tips to ensure a speedy recovery:

  • Avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours after the session to avoid skin irritation
  • Avoid sun exposure, extreme temperatures, and alcohol for at least two days after treatment 
  • Avoid taking aspirin within 48 hours

Sculptra has a few side effects, making it a safe facial rejuvenation process. Still, side effects may include discomfort around the injection sites, minor bruising, and temporary swelling. 


Let Us Give You the Skin Rejuvenation You Desire


At IVI Aesthetics and Wellness, we strive to help every patient improve their health and well-being through medical-grade treatments that improve one’s physical appearance. From Sculptra treatments and chemical peels to microneedling and IV hydration, our highly trained staff can help you exceed your aesthetic and health goals! Call (773) 992-0331 today to book your Sculptra consultation with IVI Aesthetics and Wellness in Chicago, Illinois. 

About The Author

Helen Papantoniou Pfeifle

Helen Papantoniou Pfeifle

With more than a decade of experience under her belt, Helen is the formidable force behind IVI. Her fervent dedication to helping people look and feel their best has seen her receive world-renowned medical aesthetics training from some industry leaders.

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