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Weight Loss Program

Are you struggling to lose weight? Are traditional dieting and exercise methods failing you? Our Nurse Practitioner monitored weight loss program may be right for you!


Initial Consultation/Physical Exam $150



We will review your health history, vital statistics, weight loss goals and other pertinent information to select the right weight loss plan for you. Please complete all questionnaires and consent forms in your patient portal prior to the consultation.


Lab Work


Lab work must be completed within the last three months and include the following:

CBC, CMP, HgA1c, Thyroid Panel, Lipid Panel, Fasting Insulin. Can be done with your primary care office if you have insurance, or you can have it drawn in our office for $150. Our practice does not accept insurance.


Semaglutide Monthly Program – $350/month – includes medication, supplies, follow – up visits and follow-up labs.


Semaglutide is a medication that has been shown to significantly help with weight loss. The medication works by delaying gastric emptying so that you feel full longer. Semaglutide is a weekly subcutaneous injection that you can do at home. To participate in our semaglutide monthly weight loss program you must be medically cleared by our Nurse Practitioner. You will be required to follow up at least monthly with our nurse practitioner.  More frequent follow-ups may be necessary as determined by our nurse practitioner. You will also be required to complete labs every 2 months. It is recommended that you complete at least 3 months of the program.


Other Weight Loss Programs


Should you not qualify for the semaglutide program, we can discuss other medical weight loss options that will better suit your needs.


When it comes to weight loss, there are numerous strategies that have proven to be effective.

  1. One of the most well-known approaches is a calorie deficit, which involves consuming fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight.
  2. Another popular weight loss strategy is increasing physical activity. This can include engaging in regular aerobic exercises like running, cycling, or swimming, as well as strength training and resistance exercises to build lean muscle mass.
  3. Other lifestyle changes can also aid in weight loss. These include getting enough quality sleep, managing stress levels, and hydrating properly.

Exercise is essential for weight loss as it helps to create a calorie deficit by burning extra calories. It also increases the body’s metabolism, which helps to burn more calories even when you’re not working out. Additionally, regular exercise improves overall health and fitness by reducing the risk of chronic diseases, enhancing mood, and increasing energy levels. Therefore, integrating exercise into your weight loss journey is crucial for achieving sustainable and successful results.

Yes, multiple diets can aid weight loss, such as:

  1. Mediterranean diet: It focuses on lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables.
  2. Ketogenic diet: It is a high-fat, low-carb diet that can promote quick weight loss but may be difficult to sustain long-term.
  3. Intermittent fasting: It has shown promising results for weight loss by restricting the time frame in which food is consumed.

It’s important to consult a healthcare professional to determine which diet best suits your needs and lifestyle.

Portion control is crucial to weight loss as it allows individuals to regulate their calorie intake. By being mindful of serving sizes, one can avoid overeating and improve their chances of achieving gradual, sustainable weight loss. Research suggests that portion control is more effective than calorie counting alone, as it helps individuals develop lifelong healthy eating habits. Additionally, it can lead to improved digestion and better blood sugar control, which are significant factors in maintaining a healthy weight.

Weight loss supplements or pills may help lose weight, but it’s essential to be cautious. Many supplements claim to reduce appetite, burn fat, or speed up metabolism. However, some of these claims lack scientific evidence and may have adverse side effects. It’s important to seek advice from a healthcare professional to determine if weight loss supplements suit your body and health.

Drinking water plays a vital role in weight loss, as it has numerous benefits for our body. Staying hydrated helps regulate metabolism, aids in digestion, and reduces cravings, which can contribute to weight loss. Additionally, substituting high-calorie drinks with water can significantly decrease calorie intake and help achieve weight loss goals. Therefore, it is essential to drink enough water regularly to support weight loss and overall wellness.

When trying to lose weight, it’s important to focus on foods that are nutrient-dense and low in calories. Some examples include leafy greens, berries, lean proteins like fish and chicken, whole grains, and healthy fats like avocado and nuts. Additionally, incorporating high-fiber foods like beans and legumes can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. It’s important to remember that sustainable weight loss involves creating a balanced, healthy eating pattern that you can maintain long-term.

To stay motivated, set realistic goals, track progress, reward yourself for milestones achieved, seek support from friends or a support group, and focus on non-scale victories like improved energy levels and overall well-being.
