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Hydrafacial Age-Defying Secrets for Your 30s

Hydra facial

Article At Glance

  • Hydrafacial aims to reduce fine lines, uneven skin tone, and acne.
  • It is suitable for most skin types on the face or other areas like the back.
  • It takes 30 to 60 minutes to refresh and revitalize you.

Do you want skin that looks younger, refreshed, and more consistent? You could benefit from a Hydrafacial treatment pack.

An aesthetic Hydrafacial treatment uses special techniques and equipment to target areas of your skin that need improvement. If you’re experiencing fine lines, uneven skin tone, or some forms of minor acne, a Hydrafacial can help while also treating yourself to a relaxing spa session. 

Keep reading to discover how a Hydrafacial can help you maintain age-defying skin health well into your 30s and beyond!

3 Phases of a Refreshing Hydrafacial

A Hydrafacial is a special process through which a spa technician uses special techniques and equipment to increase the hydration, exfoliation, and cleanliness of your face. They then use a special serum infusion, chosen specifically for your skincare needs, to impart several benefits.

The Hydrafacial process uses three distinct phases.

1. Cleanse and Peel

This step focuses on exfoliating, which removes the layer of dead skin that sits atop your skin. This phase uses a Hydrafacial tip, which creates a fluid vortex and facilitates skin resurfacing. Think of it like using a special soap to dislodge the most stubborn particles from your skin.

2. Extract and Hydrate

With the toxins on your skin dislodged, the next step is removing them and restoring health to your skin. After extracting the sloughed-off particles, the Hydrafacial helps moisturize the deeper layers. The extraction uses painless suction from a special vacuum to completely remove contaminants.

3. Fuse and Protect

Cleansed and moisturized, your skin can now receive specialized serums that address the more difficult elements of skin health, such as hyperpigmentation. Serums used for this phase include glycolic or salicylic peels, Vitamin C, and peptide serums.

While the serums technically use an injection, you won’t feel pain or discomfort because of the special tool the spa technician uses.

Improve Your Skin’s Appearance and Feel With Hydrafacial

Hydrafacial treatment is more than just a procedure to improve your skin health. It’s also a relaxing experience that makes you look and feel great. The process takes between 30 and 60 minutes, and many people report feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and revitalized as though they woke up from a refreshing massage.

While most people use a Hydrafacial treatment pack on their face, you can receive the procedure anywhere on your body. For example, since the process can treat certain forms of acne, many people opt for Hydrafacial on their back.

Hydrafacial: Designed for All Ages and Skin Types

Who can have a Hydrafacial treatment? No matter skin texture or type, people of all ages can enjoy the treatment. However, some people do experience minor side effects. The side effects aren’t limited to people with sensitive skin and include:

  • Mild, temporary redness at the treatment site
  • Slight irritation, especially in people with sensitive skin
  • Minor and temporary swelling

You should forgo a Hydrafacial if you’re experiencing certain conditions. Severe acne, rosacea, a rash, and sunburn can all complicate the process, so experts suggest avoiding Hydrafacial until you improve these conditions using other methods. Because of the lack of testing on some of the serums, doctors also say pregnant women should avoid the procedure.

Benefits of a Hydrafacial Treatment

On average, the benefits of a Hydrafacial last between five and seven days. However, with repeat treatments, a good skincare routine, and a healthy diet and exercise, some people can extend the benefits longer.

Improved Skin Tone

If you have uneven skin tone, such as dark spots or areas that look dull, the exfoliating nature of a Hydrafacial can help your skin look much more consistent. Dirt and dead skin cells are the primary cause of dull patches, so clearing the toxins and sucking them out with a vacuum usually solves or improves the condition.

Hyperpigmentation can also cause uneven skin tone, so keep reading to discover how a Hydrafacial improves that condition.

Clears Clogged Pores

During your Hydrafacial, you’ll receive an acid peel solution that removes toxins from deep within your pores. The vacuum suction leaves your pores clear, which also reduces the pores’ appearance. If you’ve noticed they’ve looked larger than usual, the Hydrafacial can return them to their proper size.

Reduces Scarring

Scars frequently appear lighter because they contain less melanin than the skin around them. Through the resurfacing effects of the Hydrafacial, you can make the scar less noticeable.

Mitigates Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation includes any skin condition that darkens patches of your skin. While usually contained in small areas of the skin, it can appear in larger concentrations. The three most common types of hyperpigmentation include:

  • Melasma: These spots most frequently appear on your stomach or face and occur most commonly from hormonal changes associated with pregnancy.
  • Sunspots: These spots accrue from prolonged exposure to sunlight, and you see them most often on the hands and face.
  • Post-inflammation: If you’ve experienced an injury or have chronic inflammation (such as acne), you can develop hyperpigmentation.

A Hydrafacial can improve, or even eliminate, most forms of hyperpigmentation using resurfacing techniques.

Treats Acne

Because it cleanses skin and removes toxins, Hydrafacial treatments can improve minor forms of acne like blackheads. In this case, you’ll require ongoing Hydrafacial treatments every two to three weeks.

Let Us Improve Your Skin’s Feel and Appearance

Are you ready to claim all the benefits of a Hydrafacial treatment pack? IVI Aesthetics and Wellness offers three different options for relaxing and rejuvenating Hydrafacials, and even our basic treatment makes you look and feel great.

To book the best Hydrafacial treatment in Chicago, call (773) 992-0331 today.

About The Author

Helen Papantoniou Pfeifle

Helen Papantoniou Pfeifle

With more than a decade of experience under her belt, Helen is the formidable force behind IVI. Her fervent dedication to helping people look and feel their best has seen her receive world-renowned medical aesthetics training from some industry leaders.

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